Olympic education in times of pandemic and distance learning
Olympic Education, pandemic, collaborative work, distance learning, sportAbstract
With the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil and the migration from face-to-face education to distance learning, the educational system, as a whole, needed to reinvent itself. Since 1996, Brazilian education has been based on learning to be, learning to do, learning to know and learning to live together and, in the 1970s, Olympic Education (OE) proposes teaching for the integral development of children and young people. OE, in São Caetano do Sul, has been present for at least two Olympic cycles, being characterized as an interdisciplinary proposal. In line with a collaborative and co-responsible attitude, it was proposed to the physical education teachers of the referred network, a collaborative work of construction of didactic sequences, whose theme was: ‘Olympism: education and cultural integration for human development through the sport’. Six didactic sequences were developed for classes from the 1st to the 9th grade of elementary school and, in the end, in addition to the production of these sequences, it was observed that the didactic experience also favored the training of teachers by exploring, in a thematic way, the knowledge objects and learning objectives; the expansion of the field of knowledge and the meanings of sports practices; the exercise of collaborative work; the expansion of technological domains at the service of the development of the knowledge area and the creation of spaces for exchanges, dialogues and problematizations, favoring the increase of conceptual domains.
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