The participation of brazilian olympic women in sport adventure until the 2012 games
adventure, nature, Olympic GamesAbstract
From Maria Lenk's first participation in 1932 until the first gold and silver medals for women's beach volleyball in 1996, a long time has passed and many stories have been told. However, a great gap can be observed with regard to the 'adventure' sports modalities, and a long way is still to be taken so that this space can be filled and, who knows, crowned with a medal. The double challenges, referring to the difficulties faced both by gender issues and by prejudices against practitioners of the modalities considered as 'counterculture', were a great obstacle to their development. However, the current moment, when the 'adventure sport' has been gaining space both in the media and in the Olympic movement, is consequently causing many athletes practicing these modalities to start gaining this space as well, and especially voice through their practice. Of the 445 Brazilian women who participated in the Olympic Games up to the 2012 edition, only 25 of them were in any adventure sport, these being Slalon Canoeing, Mountain Bike and BMX Cycling, Rowing, Triathlon and Sailing (in the adapted windsurfing event , the current RS: X).
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