From half-marathon to triathlon: sports participation as a reflection of post-materialism processes in Polish society




triathlon, sports participation, human needs


This article examines the relationship between cultural change processes and the practice of running and the practice of triathlon in Poland. The main goal of the research is to show that the socio-cultural tendency that made the development and growth in mass sporting events participation in Poland possibly has been influenced by two general trends. The first is the spread of post-materialist values that have incited changes in the prevailing cultural tendencies. The second is the massive increase of individualisation processes, where beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of individuals are increasingly based on personal decisions and depend less on tradition and social institutions. The presented work in this article is based on literature review which shows changes in active participation in sporting life in Poland. People participate in sporting events not only for physical activity, but also for socio-psychological effects. The experienced runners need comprehensive physical activity and experience strong emotions, which are at the top of hierarchy of post-modern human needs.


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