Birthplace of Brazilian athletes who competed in Tokyo 2020 and the states variables related to the chances of being a medalist
athletes, Olympic Games, predictors of performanceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to describe the birthplace of Brazilian Tokyo 2020 Olympic athletes, and to investigate the states-related variables associated with winning an Olympic medal. Data were collected based on the Brazilian Olympic Committee official list of athletes competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and from ESTADIC research (2016) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Binary Logistic Regression was used with the purpose to estimate the chances of the states have athletes who won an Olympic medal. All the analysis was performed in JAMOVA, considering p<0.05. Sample comprised 303 athletes, from the five Brazilian regions. The model comparisons indicated that the second model was the best to explain the chances of the state have an athlete who won an Olympic medal (Model 2 versus Model 1: c² = 21.41; p<0.001; Model 3 versus Model 2: c² = 2.77; p = 0.429). So, age (OR= 0.91; CI95% = -0.15 – -0.2) and to be part in team sports (OR= 4.36; CI95% = 0.80 – 2.15) are associated with chances to winning an Olympic medal. The most of Brazilian Olympic athletes in Tokyo 2020 were born in Southeast region, especially in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states. The best model to explain associations with chances to winning a medal was composed to meso-level variables, and it was not found significant association between the macro-level characteristics investigated with the chances to be a medalist.
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