Environmental impacts in sport megaevents hosted by BRICS countries


  • Rene Vinicius Donnangelo Fender Escola de Educação Física e Esporte/Universidade de São Paulo
  • Flávia da Cunha Bastos Escola de Educação Física e Esporte/Universidade de São Paulo




BRICS, Sport Megaevents, Environmental Impacts


Due to the importance that sporting mega-events have gained in the world in recent years, a greater focus has been given to the environmental issue. In view of the recent sporting events that took place in BRICS countries, this qualitative and exploratory study aimed to identify and analyze, from documentary sources, the environmental impacts of sporting events in these countries. The host countries have created prevention measures and mitigation actions, but environmental protection and defense organizations are critical in pointing out the negative points. Beijing 2008 has shown concern about air quality; Delhi 2010 focused attention on energy efficiency, however, with cases of degradation of biodiversity. South Africa 2010 has set an ambitious target for reducing the carbon footprint; Sochi 2014 has developed sustainable facilities, but with the incidence of cases of biodiversity devastation. Brazil 2014 was considered the most polluting Cup in history, but presented good sustainable action strategies. The study shows that the environmental aspect can not be overlooked in the planning of these events. Knowledge of the impacts at these venues is of the utmost importance so that future event organizers can think and plan how best to invest their efforts.


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