The approach of the Olympic movement to new times: the case of migratory flows and the Olympic Refugee Team
Olympic Movement, Olympic Refugee Team, migratory flowsAbstract
Seeking once again to approach society's demands, the International Olympic Committee uses the Olympic Agenda 20+20 as a resource to talk to the international community and face the challenges of the coming years. An ambitious initiative approved by the IOC Executive Committee in 2014, the Olympic Agenda 20+20 aims to strengthen the role of sport in society and bring it closer to the agendas that have been debated in this 21st century. One of these themes is the issue of refuge and migratory flows. With 82.4 million refugees around the world, according to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the IOC, through the Olympic Solidarity program and the Olympic Refugee Team, aims to support athletes in these conditions, guaranteeing these people the right to practice sports , as seen in the Olympic editions of Rio-2016 and Tokyo-2020. This brief article seeks to analyze how the IOC, even though it is an entity with an aristocratic and Eurocentric profile, manages to maintain its international prestige through its historic diplomatic skills and the importance that the Olympic Games represent.
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