Olympic values and the purpose of School Physical Education: perspectives of Physical Education teachers
human values, Physical Education, school environmentAbstract
The Olympic values, idealized by Pierre de Coubertin, represent indispensable human values for physical education and for the integral formation of a citizen. In this sense, physical education is a powerful tool regarding the formation of human values, such as friendship, excellence, respect, courage, determination, inspiration, and equality. Additionally, school could be a place to transmit these values as it prepares students to life in society. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the perspectives of 12 physical education teachers from schools in São Paulo in relation to the purpose of school physical education, seeking points of dialogue with the Olympic values. For this, data was analyzed, based on content analysis and statistical analysis that was taken from the answers of two questions: 1) What is school physical education? And 2) What should it teach? The results were then compared with the existing literature on the subject. It was concluded that teachers relate, in part, the purpose and concept of school physical education with the Olympic values inside the school environment, although there are still gaps for the complete understanding of the concept and importance of the Olympic values.
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