Leveraging mega-events


  • David Grassi




Legado, megaeventos, sustentabilidade


This short essay, through a literary review, aims to verify whether the strategic choice of organizing a mega-event can be effective in acting as a lever responsible for significant local and global desirable effects (legacy). The mega events aim to meet the local needs of the host community and address global challenges. There is no consensus on the fact that the legacies of events, intended as a direct consequence of their staging, are positive, especially in the social sphere. For this reason, the use of mega events as a social, economic and environmental lever offers a proactive perspective with respect to waiting for results that may not be a direct consequence of the events. The concept of leverage provides a theoretical framework for reflecting on the broader theme of sustainability, organizer accountability and the appropriate mobilization of stakeholders to jointly determine a desirable future. It will be concluded that there is still a lack of operational indications and practical evidence that make the organization of mega events a preferable and reliable option for obtaining positive effects in the medium and long term, including those in the social sphere, compared to other alternatives.


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