Pre-match to match point: a longitudinal study of achievement motivation and mood states fluctuations in u-21 brazilian volleyball players


  • Ricardo Marinho de Mello de Picoli Universidade de São Paulo


Sport Psychology, Mood states, Achievement goal, achievement motivation


- The aim of study was to investigate the relationship among Achievement Motive, Achievement Goals and Present Mood States of 13 Brazilian under-21 (M= 19,24; SD= 0,69) volleyball athletes during a competition. The participants answered three questionnaires, measuring the concepts of interest, one hour before the last pre-competition training and before six matches. The results revealed a high level of Achievement Motive, competence related to task requirements and mood states linked to hope and interest. Although the motivational factors did not show statistically significant differences throughout the competition, eight mood states showed statistically significant variations. This study contributes to the understanding of the relations between motivation and subjective states during training sessions and matches.


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