Exploring gender equity in Olympic and Paralympic governance: challenges and perspectives
gender equality, gender balance, Olympic values, leadership, national contextAbstract
Gender balance remains a fundamental concern in the evolution of the Olympic movement. Major issues such as equitable participation of male and female athletes and parity within its leadership are at the forefront of discussions. Scholars have shown gender imbalance in sports governance, with men holding a disproportionate share of power compared to women. This study examines the composition of the governing bodies of national Olympic and Paralympic committees. It aims to understand how gender equality representation in national bodies is compounded by the traditions of the sport associated with men, maintaining the gender gap in leadership. The findings highlight persistent disparities in gender representation in the governance structures of Olympic and Paralympic committees, despite variations among countries. These differences underscore the varying gender equality standards among participating nations, necessitating targeted interventions to address underlying societal inequalities. This article seeks to enhance understanding of the multiple factors shaping gender equality in the Olympic domain by providing insight into the dynamics surrounding gender balance at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The results of these analyses could inform future initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion within the Olympic movement.
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