The learning of ethical conduct through olympic values: a pedagogical experience


  • Natália Kohatsu Quintilio



Ethics, Olympic values, Olympic Education


The aim of this article is to analyze an intervention that brings Olympic values closer to the pedagogical practice of physical education in order to facilitate the learning of ethical behavior. Ethics will be defined as the intention of a good life, with and for others and in just institutions. The individual has an active role in the construction of values in an interaction on the environment and the environment on the person. Sport is often seen as a teaching and learning tool and is justified as a useful path for the development of courageous attitudes. In re-creating the Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin consolidated the educational and humanistic characteristics of the sport, giving rise to Olympic education. However, the development of ethical issues through sports practices remains a field with few empirical investigations. Thus, an intervention was proposed to rise as students of the 4th year of elementary school understood each of the Olympic values. It was concluded that, even though it is a subject of high complexity, it cannot be stopped and registered to collaborate with future studies, since the values can lead the individual to an ethical conduct


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