Cycling as body practice: Historical points, development and importance


  • Roberto Do Valle Mossa Universidade de São Paulo - USP
  • Iverson Ladewig
  • Ricardo Ricci Uvinha



Cycling, bicycle, body practice, Physical Education, History of sport


Cycling is one of the rare sports that has been present in all editions of the Olympic Games of the modern era. Since its rudimentary conception, dating from the eighteenth century, the bicycle underwent several improvements that formed it as it is known today, from basic models for use in the city, up to the competition machines that are products of complex engineering works. Recognizing its importance and considering as a way of transportation, the National Traffic Code, in 1997 viewed the bicycle in Brazil no longer as a toy or instrument intended for leisure, but as officially a vehicle, subject to rights and duties in their conduct, as well as the others. The present study aimed to investigate the development of the bicycle until it became an important Olympic icon. We use several references, from the perspective of their respective authors, emphasizing the countries of origin of this vehicle.


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