The olympic oligarchy: a reading on the self perpetuation of brazilians in the power of national and international olympic institutions


  • Barbara Schausteck de Almeida
  • Wanderley Marchi Júnior



Governance, Sport, Brazil, Olympic Movement


The Olympic organizations are increasingly under public scrutiny due to its economic, social and symbolic relevance. However, their market logics are not necessarily followed by similar modernization in their governance. This article aims to investigate the historical leading positions in the Brazilian Olympic sport through secondary sources and official documents. The discussion is based on Pierre Bourdieu, addressing on the ‘Olympic oligarchy’ that dominates the main positions in the Brazilian Olympic Committee, the Brazilian representation at the International Olympic Committee and at the Rio 2016 Bid Committee. Although there is an attempt to adopt more democratic processes and alternation in leading positions, we highlight that the Olympic structures still tend to maintain the orthodoxy.


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