Meanings of competing: The multiple understandings of the championship experience among elementary school students


  • Natália Kohatsu Quintilio
  • Juliana Rodrigues Marconi
  • Vinicius Cardoso de Souza



Olympic Education, social representations, values, sport, competition


Olympism is a philosophy of life idealized by Pierre de Coubertin, whose principle was the search for values through sport. From the Coubertin’s vision, the Olympic Education was structured and could be applied to disseminate such values, whose role is to enable the student to construct their conscience as an autonomous instance of reflection and, the sport, potentiates the discussion of values and exercises human relationships. This paper aims to describe what are the best and worst moments by students after a competition. Twenty-four students (7 to 11 years old), both sexes, members of the dodgeball team of a public school. Results: Best moments: 54,16% related to the team's victory, 41,66% to personal success and 4.1% to moments with friends. Worst moments: 29.16% related to defeat, 37.5% to personal failures, 20.83% to personal perceptions, 8.3% to a wrong referee’s choice and, to 4.16%, there was no worse time. It is concluded that, although this Olympic Education proposal enhance ethical conduct and the development of values, victory/defeat still emerge as the main concerns of the team. This leads to the search for other strategies to renew possible social representations about the competition and sport in general.


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