Paralympic sport as a space of belonging: André Brasil's enigma


  • Luciane Maria Micheletti Tonon



Paralympic sport, Paralympic Athlete, belonging


The human being has a symbolic relationship with the space in which he lives, lives together and places himself. Bachelard brings the "house" as a poetic image of space that welcomes, confines, diminishes, increases, projects and allows each one to have his identity. But what remains when one is abruptly deprived of this space, of that 'house', of that habitat. This is the question that the article intends to answer when making an analogy by the imaginary, of the paralympic sport as the "house", occupied by a disabled athlete. More specifically, the case study of the swimmer André Brasil, who after 14 years of his career, was considered ineligible by classifiers of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). The analysis of his speech refers image to the film: The Enigma of Kaspar Houser. The investigative method is that of biographical narratives, which extends beyond historical or social milestones and enters the field of subjectivity marked by symbolic constructions that must be understood in this context. Thus, the objective of this article is to attest, through the prism of subjectivity, the sport as a space of belonging of the paralympic athlete and its representativeness in the trajectory of the athlete.


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