Communication strategies and target audiences: A case study of the Olympic Academy of Portugal


  • Bibiana Elena Schmidt Farias
  • Rui Madeira Claudino



Communication, Public relations in sport, Communication audit, Target audience, Sport management, Strategies


This work had as main objective to present the importance of the definition of the target audiences in the sports organizations, through a case study in the Portuguese Olympic Academy. In order to meet this and its specific objectives, a literature review of the subjects and authors pertinent to the study was carried out, i.e., communication, sports, public relations in sports, communication auditing and target audiences. With this, it is justified, with theoretical bases, the importance of the subject and the study itself. The methodology used was "multi-method" for data collection and analysis, through online survey, in-depth interview and documentary analysis. The tools for qualitative and quantitative analysis were MAXQDA and Google Analytics. Based on the communication audit methodology of Souza1, the results of the 18 topics proposed by the author were presented and discussed. The results showed that having the audiences mapped and identified turns out to be the guideline that drives all the strategic planning of an organization and is clearly decisive in defining the communication and dissemination strategies of each of the actions. Conclusions were presented for the three specific objectives related to the Portuguese Olympic Academy - AOP, where it shows that the communication process of the organization needs to be structured for the best development of the proposed actions, from the identification and organization of the target audiences that today, being viewed in isolation, hinders the flow of communication, and there are no specific strategies for each of them. And finally, the suggestion of a strategy plan for the most important audiences in the first moment of structuring the communication processes.


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