Olympic Games in check: correlations between the humanization of sports practices and the external consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
Olympic Games, pandemic, humanization, periodizationAbstract
The history of the Modern Olympic Games is increasingly associated with economic power, characterized by entertainment, also bringing repercussions on its actors and events. In this sense, the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic resulting from the postponement of the 2020 edition in Tokyo, Japan are multiple; This led to a pause and, at the same time, a restructuring of the event and several adaptations for its participants. The general objective of this article is to investigate the editions of the Olympic Games of the Modern Era, based on the periodization for the Olympic Games, shedding light on the reasons for the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 edition. the discussion of some of the main historical and social aspects of the Olympic editions, as well as the editions that were cancelled, or that were boycotted, or that were recently postponed. It is proposed to understand, in this way, the relationships involved in an event on a global scale and their influence on the humanization of sporting practices in contexts of social instability. Among the results obtained, there was the stereotyping of the athlete as a hero, the distance between the essence of the games, the training of athletes and their high exposure, as well as the result of this scenario that permeates the contemporary sporting imagination of the hero.
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