The history of sports psychology in Brazil: from its foundation to new borders
Eletronic Sports, Historical Process, VideogamesAbstract
The constant advancement of technology and the internet has led to the expansion of electronic games, resulting in the emergence of eSports, a field that continues to grow rapidly all around the world. The first involvement of psychologists in eSports began around 2010, and, as in traditional sports, emotional and cognitive aspects are the primary focus. Specifically, within the Brazilian eSports scene, Brazil is one of the leading nations in terms of fans, public policies, interest in physical sports, and the popularization of eSports. The objective of this research is to reflect and trace the historical development of eSports psychology in Brazil from the practical perspective of psychologists in the field. The methodology used in this research assessment was semi-structured qualitative exploratory research, developed based on a review of the existing literature on eSports psychology and aligned with the research objectives. Four prominent Brazilian psychologists specializing in eSports were interviewed. The interviewees noted that the growth of eSports was driven by the pandemic and changes in public perception, where playing games is increasingly seen as a potential profession. Additionally, the promotion of psychologists' work by players and teams has helped to foster the expansion of the field. It was concluded that the historical process of eSports psychology is quite recent, given that the eSports industry itself is still emerging. Furthermore, the rapid and continuous evolution of this field has fostered the development of eSports psychology as a sociocultural phenomenon, creating space for greater recognition and relevance in this area.
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