Dionysus rides a Bike: Mythhermeneutics of Julien Bernard's celebration at the 2024 Tour de France.
sport, celebration, athletes, mythohermeneuticAbstract
Sport was created as a celebration. As the nature of an agonistic game (agon), sport drives its praxis and meaning within the field of competition, even without losing its playfulness. If the logic of sports competition is the pursuit of first place, the gold medal, the top of the podium, the logic of sports celebration highlights the humanity that emerges from this agonistic nature, essential to ensure that competition and celebration remain linked. This article aims to analyze the events of the seventh stage of the 2024 Tour de France, when athlete Julien Bernard broke the competitive ritual to celebrate his passage through the village where he lives and was fined by the race organizers for his actions. More than just breaking a competition protocol, Bernard reveals the Dionysian meaning of sport, increasingly obscured by the pursuit of material gain provided by a spectacle that has lost its mythical resonance. The analytical nature of this study follows the mythohermeneutic tradition of symbolic imaginary studies.
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