Democratic values in the Youth Olympic Games


  • André Almeida Cunha Arantes
  • Rafael Campos Veloso
  • Katia Rubio


democratic values, youth, Youth Olympic Games, Olympism


In the early days of the creation of the Olympic Games of the Modern Era, Pierre Freddy, the Baron of Coubertin, envisioned an event with a humanistic perspective that would help human beings seek the best in themselves. The concern for the educational character of youth was already evident in Coubertin's speeches. However, it took a little over a century for an Olympic event for youth to be created, the Youth Olympic Games, which began in Singapore in 2010. The objective of this research was to verify the presence of democratic values in the educational and cultural programs offered by the Youth Olympic Games from 2010 to 2022. The research method used was documental research. The website and the library of the Olympic Studies Centre of the International Olympic Committee, which is responsible for this event, were accessed. For analysis and interpretation, an exploratory reading of the event's official documents was conducted. The researchers identified activities that align with democratic values, determined based on the 1988 Federal Constitution and grouped according to different dimensions, within the educational and cultural programs. Despite this, they highlight the need to reinforce activities oriented by democratic values in the educational and cultural programs of the games. For this, it is essential that the event's organizer - the IOC - reverses the decline in the space allocated to democratic values observed in recent years, as well as incorporates aspects that have been under-addressed or not yet included, such as issues related to peace, athlete leadership, the fight against racism, and the reinforcement of respect for popular sovereignty.


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